
Golden is an ad-hoc query tool with many powerful features. It features close compatibility with SQLPLus' scripting conventions including variable prompting and script parameter passing. It is a 32 bit multi-threaded application allowing multiple scripts to be edited and run simultaneously. It is optimized to be quick and resource friendly. Some highlighted features are:
  • Supported Client Operating systems: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Terminal Server/Citrix, 64bit (with 32bit Oracle Client Installed.)
  • Supports Oracle 7.0 - 11g, SQLNet 1.x - Net11 (including 'Instant Client')
  • Edit and run multiple scripts simultaneously
  • Support for SQLPlus variable prompting, bind variables (including RefCursor), and calling external scripts with parameter passing
  • Support for EXEC, DESC and CONNECT
  • Support for DBMS Output
  • Script and statement timing
  • Explain Plan output
  • Supported for SQLPlus style SPOOL files and the SET ECHO command
  • Editing of single table result sets
  • Colored syntax highlighting
  • Schema information for pasting into scripts and queries
  • Language specific cut and paste for pasting queries into Delphi, VB, ASP, Java, C++, etc.
  • A sophisticated ascii import/export that can handle millions of records

  • PLEdit

    PLEdit allows editing and compiling of PL/SQL code modules (stored procedures.) It is optimized to be quick and resource friendly. Some highlighted features are:
  • Supported Client Operating systems: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Terminal Server/Citrix, 64bit (with 32bit Oracle Client Installed.)
  • Supports Oracle 7.0 - 11g, SQLNet 1.x - Net11 (including 'Instant Client')
  • Edit multiple modules simultaneously
  • Places the cursor right on any errors found
  • Colored syntax highlighting
  • Schema information for pasting into modules
  • Manage your stored procedures
  • Show dependencies visually
  • Export all Schema modules to disk

  • GoldView

    GoldView is a schema structure browser. It displays information on the structure and properties of schema objects. It is a read-only tool. It is useful for developers who need to know information about the objects in a schema but don't want to type the data dictionary queries. It also allows safe browsing of schema information without the fear of accidentally damaging the database.
  • Supported Client Operating systems: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Terminal Server/Citrix, 64bit (with 32bit Oracle Client Installed.)
  • Supports Oracle 7.0 - 11g, SQLNet 1.x - Net11 (including 'Instant Client')
  • Displays objects in all accessible schemas
  • Show information on tables, views, triggers, indexes, synonyms, sequences, types and code modules
  • Shows structure, keys, constraints, stored code, DDL (CREATE SCRIPTS) and more!

  • GoldLoad
    Goldload allows you to import and export delimited and fixed-width ascii files to and from Oracle using any language capable of calling ActiveX Automation Objects (often called OLE Automation Servers or just Automation Objects.) GoldLoad consists of two Automation Objects; the Import object and the Export object. The objects are heavily optimized to reduce time and network traffic. Powerful and easy to use! Try the 30 day demo!
  • Supported Client Operating systems: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Terminal Server/Citrix, 64bit (with 32bit Oracle Client Installed.)
  • Supports Oracle 7.0 - 11g, SQLNet 1.x - Net11 (including 'Instant Client')
  • Highly optimized
  • Default handling is 100% compliant with csv files
  • Callable from any language that supports ActiveX
  • VBScript examples of usage from Windows Scripting Host